Notify me of follow-up comments by email. he’s still alive but I won’t make my greetings catty Happy 75, You know you are getting old when you move something to a more logical location and then can only remember where it used to be. Since the dawn of time, you have been here! They would have put you down by now. Funny Old Man Birthday Card With Gorilla. 30% Off with code ZNEWYEARCARD and your mind as sharp as a pen Remember when you were little and you thought 40 was sooo old. Funny Birthday Wishes for 75 year old Man. Happy Birthday Quotes, Wishes… Happy Birthday to you on this incredible day. As is your Birthday, candles, cakes, your friends and family wait for you to see your crease. I always limit my budget on buying birthday gifts according to what that person gave me as a gift on my birthday. You know you are getting old when you no longer think of speed limits as a challenge. so on your 75th birthday Sometimes age just shows up all by itself” – Tom Wilson “, As you get older three things to happen. Add one of these messages in your birthday … Happy Birthday! May the number of candles outnumber your gray hairs.”, “Wishing a happy birthday to someone who should probably start worrying about what the government is saying about Medicare.”, “I know you received so many birthday wishes yesterday, but who’s here with you today? Tell me one thing, don’t you think it should be reverse actually? Happy Birthday! Middle age is having the choice of two temptations and choosing the one that will get you home earlier. See more ideas about 70th birthday, funny quotes, birthday humor. Quotes and Sayings About Turning 70 Quotes and sayings are a great way to spice up a birthday card, especially if they're relevant to the specific milestone birthday. Your birthday is one of my favorite days of the year. Old Man Birthday … Turning 80 means you have made it beyond the average life expectancy. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down. $3.40. You know you are getting old when you look into the mirror and are shocked to see that “old person” looking back at you. Your email address will not be published. Middle age is when everything starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out. You must be the exception that proves the rule. you are the hero of the story Life as an old man … We have prepared for you 105 birthday wishes so funny for your friends and family. You know you are getting old when your children begin to look middle-aged. It reminds me that you will always be older than me. It’s not safe to trust you with a knife or behind the wheel of a car. “You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake” – Bob Hope “You’re getting old when the only thing you want for your birthday is not to be reminded of it” – Felix Severn, “Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. – Arnold Bennett, Middle age is when your classmates are so gray and wrinkled and bald they don’t recognize you. You were breaking hearts here and there Happy Birthday old man! Happy Birthday, old man. –Daniel Bennett, Middle age is that period in a man’s life when he’d rather not have a good time than have to get over it. May God’s graces follow your every step. Age is a matter of mind and if you don’t mind, it don’t matter! Happy Birthday ; Happy … Happy Birthday old timer Happy Birthday. can you guess who is the sender?”, “Life is long and can be hard 1. You’re at an age where you no longer give a shit. Congrats on joining the 28-years-old-forever club. I knew that God would always take good care of you! “Happy birthday! You may like: Funny Quotes for a Happy 60th Birthday, plus serious ones too Quotes to wish someone a happy 60th birthday or perhaps tease them a bit. Most funny birthday wishes for men. Thank you for always being older than me You know that saying ‘with age comes wisdom’? Old sayings such as “A true friend remembers your birthday, but not your age” is a fun remark as is “You’re so old today when you look at your birth certificate it’s expired”. You can choose to share from this awesome funniest list of happy birthday wishes to put a smile on everyone’s faces. Unless you’re a banana” – Betty White, You know you are getting old when people call at 9 p.m. and ask, “Did I wake you?”. Happy Birthday, you old softy. you’re sharp as ever, and twice as clever you haven’t changed much Just think about what you’ll be like in ten years – yikes!”, “Happy birthday! Hope you have an exciting birthday celebration… followed by a nice, long nap. your hair less, just a touch The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. that is, if you can stay awake!”, “As far as old men who party, You’re not getting older you’re just a little closer to death An old fart is as good as a new one…. Below is the top best meme collection for Old Man Birthday. Today is the perfect day to forget all about your cares – and the fact that I didn’t … make it rain confetti, pull the lever!”, “Inside your old man body ... Funny-birthday-wishes… Larry Lorenzoni “, Just remember, once you’re over the hill you begin to pick up speed” – Charles Schultz, “The older you get, the better you get. everything look like a piece of cake, You know you are getting old when you have too much room in the house and not enough in the medicine cabinet. we’re glad you’re still here out of the blue to grow into a wise person like you. 7. Both you and birthday boy/girl are sure to get a laugh or two from all of the funny ways to wish them “Happy Birthday”. 100+ Happy Birthday Wishes. What’s that, you couldn’t hear me? Funny, Witty, Elderly. Other Happy Birthday Wishes for Men. The really frightening thing about middle age is the knowledge that you’ll grow out of it. and haven’t forgotten who we are. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OLD FART! 1. To celebrate this blessing, share in the joy with one of these great 80th birthday sayings. Wish nicely with a smile of course! From one old fart to another – happy birthday! and haven’t forgotten who we are. while most old mean will take a dive You know you’re old when “getting a little action” means your prune juice is working! Happy Birthday. Don’t let an old person crawl into your body! Congratulations! Jul 11, 2017 - Explore Alice Adler's board "70th Birthday Funny Quotes" on Pinterest. Hey fellas!! Funny Happy Birthday Quotes for a Man. But I remembered that at your age spotting little things is easier said than done! What they forget to mention is that you really won’t miss it. Mid-life crisis? which of your ages is true The secret to staying young is to find an age you really like and stick with it. 1. That’s why we put together this list … A lot can happen in 80 years. Happy Birthday, ye olde farte! funny 40th birthday quotes,This collection is about funny 40th birthday quotes,wishes,messages and sayings,etc. I’m really glad I have a friend like you.”, “You’re 75 The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two” – Norman Wisdom, “Birthdays are good for you. Another is … Another year and you’re one step closer to diapers being mandatory! Today, I would advise you to be nice to your kids. 13 Copy quote. in getting older, you make and memory hazy I can hardly believe its true. Don’t worry about getting older. Call it “experience” and enjoy your birthday, anyway! –Maurice Chevalier. We have a new way to wish all the oldies you have in your life. Yes, they have actually less time, they’re free from all their responsibilities. I hope you enjoyed our 60th birthday jokes collection. But look on the bright side – not many left now! Happy Birthday to a relic from a bygone era. You know you are getting old when the gleam in your eyes is from the sun hitting your bifocals. although 75 is a little old to be a flirt You know you are getting old when your idea of a night out is sitting on the patio. You’re not old… you were old last year, this year you’re ancient. so let me give you a nice card May you shine brighter than the diamond and spread your light of wisdom with beauty.” Funny Birthday Wishes for Old Man: “Happy Birthday, oldie!” may not be the best way to wish someone on their birthday. You know you are getting old when “Happy Hour” turns out to be a nap! “Listen, I hate to be the one to do this, but you need to get your birthday habit under control. Warm regards to your knees; Just another year and another wrinkle on the ol’ nutsack. I hope you have a fun and exhilarating party… quickly follow by a long nap. Funny and serious quotes for your loved one or friend, or... Birthday Quotes – Funny and Getting OLDer Want to wish (or tease) someone happy birthday? 30% Off with code ZNEWYEARCARD ... Grandpa 75th year Birthday wishes Card. Happy Birthday, old man; From one old fart to another – happy birthday! You know you are getting old when you lean over to pick something up off the floor, and then ask yourself if there is anything else you need to do while you are down there. Turning 80 means you have made it beyond the average life expectancy. I was going to make fun of you on your birthday. Better to be an old fart than a dumb ass. That makes an old man club of two 47, plus 11, add another 17 –Lucille Ball, Old age is not so bad when you consider the alternatives. the truth is, you’re a gem I can still cut the mustard…I just need help opening the jar! Now I could roast a turkey! funny 50th birthday quotes for men,Here you will find the funniest and most hilarious birthday. I’ve kept the receipt for the gift, y’know, just in case you didn’t make it Some words of wisdom for your birthday – smile while you still have some teeth! Save some of the air from your oxygen tank to blow out the candles If you believe in it, you can be anything! at least three Enjoy your birthday old balls! After seeing all the candles on your cake, I seriously hope that you topped off your fire insurance.”, “Happy birthday to the one person I hope is still around when the iPhone 547 comes out.”, “A “few” years ago, you were smart, handsome and young. Honey, … Yea right – and jail is just a room!”, “Don’t be bummed about your birthday! most people have no clue. Age is like fine wine; it gets better with time! Happy Birthday. Birthdays suck when you’re old, but at least you don’t have too many more to go. At 75 you’re handsome as ever $3.65. Have a happy, happy birthday old man. Happy Birthday! Who doesn’t like Memes? Your old relatives also expect that, don’t miss the chance to make them feel important. Funny Birthday Quotes for Him. Warm regards to your knees Just another year and another wrinkle on the ol’ nutsack. You’ll thank us later for their precious smile you’ll receive after that. I’m not old, I’ve just been young a very long time! Happy Birthday! –Franklin P. Adams, Middle age is when you are sitting home on Saturday night and the telephone rings and you hope it isn’t for you. –Doris Day. You’re getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster. Click Here for 20+ Funny Birthday Wishes for Photographers! You only have to remember it. Happy Birthday! What did they put on top of your birthday cake before the invention of fire? Unless you want to be young again, then I’m afraid you missed that train old pal! –Oscar Wilde. I can clearly remember my childhood, but I can’t remember where I put my keys. I’d throw you a 75th birthday party, old man, your pain in the rear, ‘til your last day!”, You might be getting creaky If you’re looking to give a male friend a good ribbing … Happy birthday old man! My whole life has been a crisis!!! this heart you’ve won!”, While 75 year old men are teased be batty Thanks for always being older than me. Happy Birthday you old fart! Check out birthday memes for old men for Tumblr, Pinterest, WhatsApp, and Facebook. Happy Birthday, old fart. Happy Birthday! Be happy and remember that things could be worse. “You have to be very patient. Happy birthday, oldie. $3.65. Funny Birthday Wishes to 70 year old Man I’ve always called you an old man even though you are just now turning 70. with age, more and more fine. Age is just a number… although in you’re case it’s a pretty big number! many you have smitten. You know you are getting old when you’re cautioned to slow down by your doctor instead of by the police. 5. You know what they say: it’s better to be a year older than to be one month late. The 105 SMS Birthday Wishes – Short and Sweet Messages For Special Day. These other pages also have some great ideas for 60th birthday celebrations, so do check out our: 60th Birthday Wishes. Here’s to celebrating the 19th anniversary of your 21st birthday! Happy … Happy birthday old man! It takes about 10 years to get used to how old you are. You know you are getting old when the little old gray-haired lady you helped across the street is your wife. Oh, well! ===== The body may age, but remember that the mind doesn’t have to! Hope you have an exciting birthday celebration… followed by a nice, long nap. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday you old codger! Happy Birthday, old fart. Welcome to the curmudgeonly years, you crusty old bastard you. –Bernard M. Baruch, The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. so time to relax Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest” – Rev. 30% Off with code ZNEWYEARCARD I do this with the bottom of my heart and wish you nothing but happiness and a river of joy. I hope this coming year comes with a lot of success and good days. I would say you were old but hell, you were old last year! Happy birthday old man! Remember this today: if you lick all the frosting off a cupcake, it becomes a muffin – and muffins are healthy.”, “Happy birthday! Funny Happy Birthday Quotes for a Man. They say that age is just a number. Of course at your age, most people have no clue. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am. Better to be an old fart than a dumb ass. You were right! Old sayings such as “A true friend remembers your birthday, but not your age” is a fun remark as is “You’re so old today when you look at your birth certificate it’s expired”. I was going to make a joke to mark your birthday but the fact you’re still alive is nothing short of a miracle and should be celebrated! Growing old is mandatory. Life after 50: when your back goes out more than you do. – T. S. Eliot, A man of sixty has spent twenty years in bed and over three years in eating. Forty is the old age of youth; Fifty is the youth of old age. You’re still as fun as ever Happy birthday!”, “Experts say that people lose their minds when they get old. It’s when you say you’re 35 and it doesn’t pass the smell test. 6. You know you are getting old when you turn out the light for economic reasons rather than romantic ones. Bill Vaughan. Senility is a good thing. The worst thing about growing old is listening to your children’s advice. 60th Birthday Quotes. A sharp inclination towards Fashion and Photography. If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself! You know you are getting old when the clothes you’ve put away until they come back in style… have come back in style. I’m not getting older, I’m getting bitter. The first forty years of life give us the text: the next thirty … 1. and now you’re a teen!”, “Happy Birthday to the youngest old man You’re looking for a funny birthday quote so that you can zing your old man. All of them is so good, you can pick anyone and just say it to their face or else write it down on a pretty greeting too!eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'classywish_com-box-4','ezslot_3',110,'0','0'])); Birthdays are normal but there’s only one day in a whole year on which we can expect people to make us feel special. Happy birthday to the person who deserves honor because of everything he has done in life. Funny, Birthday, Meaningful. I’d rather be over the hill than under it. Some of you may even consider it to be cruel. Happy Birthday, old fart. at 75, you’re the most hearty. your life you’ve written But this tigress caught you in her lair You’re now one more year closer to being known as the ‘dirty old man’!! To celebrate this blessing, share in the joy with one of these great 80th birthday sayings. Everything gets harder when you get older… except for your penis, of course. -Arthur Schopenhauer 2. You’re always meeting new friends! You’re not just over the hill, I’m not sure you can even see it in your rearview mirror! Required fields are marked *. You know you are getting old when you get winded playing chess. Add one of these messages in your birthday card or on a note card with some flowers. Old age is a state of mind In fact, phrases like “old fart” and “old bastard” are par for the course with this sort of birthday message. . Congratulations! I wouldn’t have placed you a day past 72.”, “I have no clue Happy birthday!”, . Happy birthday!”, “Happy birthday! I promise I’ll have you back for your 8pm bedtime! You’re not old; You’re just a victim of gravity! Worst of all, you could send a funny birthday wish that simply isn’t funny. You know your old when your youngest starts collecting Social Security. If you still want to know more Happy birthday wishes for men, we recommend that you continue reading because next. Happy birthday to the coolest person I know…with a cane! nothing you can’t take care of with a few beers Fifty is a weird age. - Melanie White 2.… With old age comes new skills: you can laugh, cough, sneeze and piss yourself all at once! If I were a reviewer, I’d give it a 10!”, “You’re a class act at 75 We have some one line old man birthday wishes too, this way you can wish them in a much shorter way. Funny 60th Birthday Poems. There’s just one thing I want to know. You know you are getting old when you quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room. I … Happy Birthday, old man. Happy birthday!”, “Happy birthday! Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men. –Victor Hugo, “On your birthday I’m going to share the secret to staying young: lying about your age.”, “Smile – today is your birthday. I’ll pick up your book again and again “Happy birthday! Remember, the older you get, the closer you get to having them choose a nursing home.”, “Wait – you’re how old today? Just for today, we’ll say.. Growing up is optional! Check them out!! Birthday Memes For Men Birthday Man Quotes Happy Birthday Funny Birthday Wishes Humor Birthday Birthday Greetings Birthday Messages Birthday Cards Happy Birthday Old Friend It's your birthday! Happy birthday! – Bennett Cerf. You’ve made it to dirty old man territory Remember when 50 seemed old? You know you’re old when you can’t get your rocking chair started! We don’t want you overdoing it now, do we? So, these are your golden years…I’m not impressed. Happy Birthday my relic of a friend! Another is “Remember to count your blessings and not your wrinkles.” These usually get a smile from those comfortable with turning a year older. If you weren’t so old you would! 3 Copy quote. Lucky man, I’m here to stay We’ve gotten this far By the time you're eighty years old you've learned everything. I think that’s a great idea. Your hair fell out long ago, and your mind is decades past its warranty. You’re still going to do stupid stuff, just a lot slower. You can edit this funny birthday wishes for men with your own word. You know you are getting old when people warn you about shoveling snow. We have millions of members all over the world.”, “Congratulations on finally reaching the snapdragon phase of your life: one part of you has snapped, and the other part of you is dragging. When I was a kid I could toast marshmallows over my birthday candles. Today, is no different! I have a photographic memory. Birthday Memes For Men Birthday Man Quotes Happy Birthday Funny Birthday Wishes Humor Birthday Birthday Greetings Birthday Messages Birthday Cards Happy Birthday Old Friend It's your birthday! You’re so lucky you’re not a dog. It’s not safe to trust … among merry-makers, you’re a catch. Happy Birthday. Funny 60th Birthday Gag Gifts. Young at heart, slightly older in other places! You know what an old fart is? 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