25B 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (4 children), Only lie he told me was "get a high enough PT and you'll go to airborne school for sure. If you failed you were flown out friday. If I couldn't show it in black and white I made it perfectly clear my response was based on my experience, but that it could vary. Years later they pull for Cybercom, they pull from Intel rather than Signal. Going in to your first meeting with a military recruiter without a list of questions is about as smart as it sounds. I ended up looking at the same job for both but went Navy because I could ship out faster and got the same job (avionics) for a 4 instead of 5 year enlistment. [â][deleted] 17 points18 points19 points 5 years ago (5 children). We would always get told to run every where, and they would try to catch us. [â]alphasquid 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (1 child), US courts typically assume everyone's an adult. If you are hurting, this guided journal is for you. Conventional wisdom says you should be forthright with your recruiter about all the circumstances surrounding your job search. Eventually I was accepted into a good college and it turned my perspective around. But what about the recruiter who lies or asks you to lie? Old enough to write his age out instead of using numerals... [–]OcotilloWellsHarvard Graphics > PowerPoint 9 points10 points11 points 3 years ago (1 child). It's a pain in the dick, but it will help you out in the long run. [â]someguyinnc 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children). They kept him there, at medical facilities at Great Lakes, for I don't even know how long. Then your'e either left with learn the job or be the guy that sucks. Being an adult has shit to do with fuck all. Older guys beating the shit out of new guys just for being new, or if you actually talk back they lock you in a room and douse you in bleach for two days. âDrill Sergeant, where do you want the medics to go?â I ask. i done have a problem lying either,since i am sure my recruiter will tell me plenty of lies just the same. Image: af.mil 1. [â]xixoxixaExp Woobie Badge 20 points21 points22 points 5 years ago (5 children). The recruiter told me to come back the next week. [–]storander[] 15 points16 points17 points 3 years ago (1 child). Every recruiter and every recruiting situation is different, and though you may not hear these lies verbatim, they may take on a different form. I just made the connection that I’ve seen this name somewhere before. (self.army). Most recruiters are straight shooters and will tell you everything you need to know prior to joining. 11x contracts always end up being bravos. Do not answer n00b questions on the main boards. Still though, I know what you mean - joining the Army as a 17-year-old with temper issues and some other demons was not easy, but in the end it was definitely the best decision I ever made for myself. Don't think for a minute that your room mate or best buddy won't sell you down the river. [–]TeamRedRocketAirborne 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (1 child). [–][deleted] 66 points67 points68 points 3 years ago (0 children). research at a dod facility?? Yea. I immediately became suspicious. ⢠(6) Please keep your flair text rank or duty-related. The night I moved into my current barracks, I had 137lbs of gear on me. My boss would ask, hey is that guy joining this PL? I got out 2001 and I'm still traumatized by this part of my life. My recruiter for the navy was 100% honest with me. [–]HyrulianGoddess 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (2 children), [–]paquizzle255N[S] 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (1 child). That was when guys were getting in with felony drug convictions. The immediate feeling of distrust I had for those individuals gave me a huge red flag at the age of 18. TL/DR: Buddy blows shit up for 10yrs, turns down 6 digit bonus, goes into telecom. I was commo maintenance - they brought us radios and field phones and the like that were broken. 3 of them I never speak with, 1 of them is totally religiously brainwashed by them, 1 of them is still an open minded individual that counted the days until his release and the last of them, but certainly not least, was my great friend that took his own life last year for some reasons unknown, most likely it was PTSD. I'm too old for this goddamnit, [–]Baseplate 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (2 children). • (5) We don't all know what a 12V or a 35Q or a 94L is. I laughed entirely to fucking hard at this. The artillery goes go to artillery school, the parachute riggers go to rigger school, etc. No Stolen Valor. [â]variope 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (3 children). So I tell him such â âDrill Sergeant, I see where your mistake is. I called the RS at least monthly to confirm that I had Legal, and they would say "Yeah, CB!" Best thing I could do. The Navy does not hurry to get you out if you can not make it through boot. [–]TeamRedRocketAirborne 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (3 children). [–]blondeinlilly35Female 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children), That my SLRP would pay back my loans in full when I graduated IET…, [–]SankMyBattleship 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). Pilot It’s really fucking hot when you get there and gets pretty damn cold near the end of the cycle. BTW counselors hate active recruiters, we were banned from the floor where MEPs was located. This isnât rocket surgery â there ainât no fucking medics here! âWell, whatâs that get me long term?â You've torn your dress To be fair a lot of people I know do that most of the time. In order to prevent being led astray by a dishonest recruiter, simply learn what to look for. Recruiter is an assignment, not an MOS. Physical labor is way more fun than being the umbrella that absorbs the shit rained down by higher. [–]heavenisablackhole92F, 11B | SPC 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children), i was there jan-april like 10 years ago but i'd assume hot and muggy af the whole time, [–]Tank7106 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). If, however, you can prove that was not the case and you were deliberately misled, then you can certainly void a contract in most places. [â]Sith_Apprentice 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (0 children). Years later they pull for Cybercom, they pull from Intel rather than Signal. Without knowing what out means, donut club sounds like it would be a blast. ⢠(1) If your post could be answered by your NCO, Google or a 5 minute call with an Army Recruiter, then please do so. Then I bumped into a Marine recruiter that asked me if I wanted to join up. I thought about joining when I was 18 but this (and the serious amount of racist idiots in cadets) just rang in my ears. [â]SithLordDarthRevan15T - Blackhawk Crewdog 19 points20 points21 points 5 years ago (0 children), [â]ScottyBiscotti 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (1 child), There're only two MOSs in the Army: 88m and cargo, [â]thatguyscat 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (7 children), I leave Monday for Ft. Sill as 88M. So kind of like Segal's character in Under Siege? [â]binarycow25B w/ a DD-214 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (0 children), Same. One time he did hit my dogtags and hurt his hand though. I was still in as a Signal Warrant when that went on. you'd think armed forces would understand the need to have troops that like their jobs and develop real world skills but they don't care. [â][deleted] 117 points118 points119 points 5 years ago (18 children). [â]ServiceB4Self 63 points64 points65 points 5 years ago (14 children). Thanks for watching! But I will say this, in Recruiting the easiest job in that field is recruiter. The bonus helped my decision also, [â][deleted] 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (6 children). Post the description along with your obscure MOS code. ), [â]Unsurprised 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (3 children). I asked for a job where I could help everyone else with their jobs. It sounds like you may have accidentally ended up in the air force. In Canada holding a Bachelors of any kind gets you into officer training. Rendered by PID 22888 on r2-app-0879ab27858ae619d at 2021-02-23 13:36:48.573908+00:00 running 81a1eda country code: US. I wish I would have been so smart. Had a Station Commander that wanted me to "slam" everybody I talked to. Six more years and she gets a pension from the Navy, with 20 years of medical experience in everything from coding, hospital administration, general medicine, psych, pharmacy, lab... she'll probably have a job lined up before she even gets out. [â]Thor_Odinson_ 9 points10 points11 points 5 years ago (0 children), [â]Cragnous 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (5 children). However, military recruiter misconduct does happen. I do hate my recruiter for letting me sign a 5 year instead of a 3 though. He starts working hard on the computer (now I realize it was solitare) and in a few minutes asks "How about 13E?". The jobs that came up on the first screen were 'HOT' jobs that they got extra points if they put someone into it. Use the report button. The military typically requires a high school diploma to join, with rare exceptions. Safe and sound with comfy pillows and AC. Have some base knowledge before you go see the recruiter, aka salesman. That being said the average young person who signs up most likely won't ask or won't care enough until they're already into it and then realize their mistake. I would meet my guys in the stairwell with their list and explain things to them. So I talked to them, like you know a real person. I'm Canadian, and I'm getting the same thoughts as you are. This is exactly why I tell kids that say they want to join up and be [insert mos here], to not let the recruiters rush you, and to take the time and do the research. No. We were well past the halfway point at that time, so they sent me to talk with the 1sg, who made some calls and give me the option to get out, go to Sam Houston, or finish out and be an infantryman. In the end if you don't like it then the only way to change it is to do a lateral move to another job. Thanks, I meant to clarify that but I got distracted. He sold me on enlisting undesignated (which sounds exactly like your 11x) and applying to be a pilot after I get to my final command. My recruiter said I could join an aviation unit and they would let me ride in their helicopters. [â]dasqoot 39 points40 points41 points 5 years ago (10 children). He couldn't answer that. [–]heavenisablackhole92F, 11B | SPC 64 points65 points66 points 3 years ago (4 children), [–]khegiobridge 95 points96 points97 points 3 years ago (2 children), [–]lost_in_thesauce 44 points45 points46 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]khegiobridge 27 points28 points29 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]Mooseknuck7738B/13B 41 points42 points43 points 3 years ago (0 children). Which isn't really a thing, but it got his point across. This was hilarious and I don't even know why. You’re retarded then. at the walmart. Then everyone shows back up at Fort Benning to join the regiment.â I was rather afraid of being stuck on a nuclear sub (had long-term GF (who I'm now married to)). PAPERWORK! © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Best Soldier in the Army. I was basically miserable for my first 9 months on recruiting. The marines wrecked havoc on my childhood crew and I feel like they sacrificed who they were inside just to be better at chopping wood for the rest of their lives. All in all if you sign the contract without doing any reading up or asking questions then its a big life lesson for you. After you decide to pursue a career in the military, you need to talk to a recruiter for an initial screening. I got that once when I wrote 2, took 2 attrites. [â][deleted] 14 points15 points16 points 5 years ago (2 children). The people outside of my company that actually processed me out were indifferent. Does the Army Check Medical Records When Enlisting?. He got there and tried to sell me on the army like any recruiter does and he really put my family at ease. [â]mwashu66Veteran 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (2 children). edit: Fucked up thing about dude who bashed his knee in. Came back and talked to my recruiter about why it wasn't in my contract. Communications. What would a bottle of US Army cologne REALLY smell like? My recruiter told me if I enlist as a senior in high school, the army would pay me monthly till I ship out. All of this sounded incredibly exciting to a 17 year old kid with no direction. Ah! Links from USAWTFM, ASMDSS and similar at moderator discretion. [–]couldntgetitright 15 points16 points17 points 3 years ago (1 child). In any case I sign at meps a contract per my recruiter for field "CB - Legal and Administration". [–]l3ubba35F Airborn -> USCG 17 points18 points19 points 3 years ago (4 children). This is one of the biggest lies told by military recruiters in all branches and itâs complete B.S. He did that on like week 2, and week 6 or 8 he was still here, hobbling around on crutches. If you like it, great, you can easily sign up for more. [â]sephstormSpc 25B 23 points24 points25 points 5 years ago* (4 children). [â]Brian175 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (0 children). That is at least one resign. I've been reading a lot and getting a little heated up. Computers (at that time) were these super shitty little calculators (FM 6-2 if your interested). What lie did your recruiter tell you? He may kick you out, or he may help you. I care about a 31, a 51 and to certain extent your GT score, which if you score around 65 afqt, it should be high enough to do almost any job you want if its available and you are otherwise qualified. He said, "the beret." Near as I can tell he was a unicorn. The recruiter performed a local criminal background check and it came back clean. I was able reattach it after it froze solid in December in BOLC 2 during the god damned coldest 40F mornings I've ever experienced. However, if the Army decides that they want you to go deploy during that IRR time, they can legally require you to drop everything and go play Army for a while. That actually sounds like a pretty cool gig, and one I might have been interested in a year ago as I was trying to find a reason not to ETS. A U.S. Army recruiter recently mined a Navy-themed Reddit page for prospects, in an apparent attempt at poaching Navy personnel. He'd said I'd be getting fucked everyday. So every soldier needs to have a bare basic level of ability to fight, just in case the shit hits the fan. The Army guy seemed more honest, telling me only he had a guaranteed MOS. When you do your homework before enlisting and pick a branch you care about, you can enjoy your service and get rewarded for it. I agree, but not before carefully asking how this will play out â I donât want to end up as just a grunt. OK, I think, this isnât such a bad deal. [â]DJCaldow 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago (1 child). Gotta go to your unit and apply, if they need airborne troops. [–]justasinglereply 30 points31 points32 points 3 years ago (2 children), "A Bradley is a dunebuggy with a machine gun on top. But that's just one story of MANY. Ask yourself how well you can listen and obey stupid requests from stupid people who hold stupid amounts of power over you. No memes, low effort posts, reposts or crossposts from. You can even talk to the recruiter about hiring of the more employees at the similar position. The other guy, IIRC, ended up working galley on a ship before being kicked out for being openly gay (which he very much was, and a big recreational drug user before going in). Thank you. [â]s3b_ 30 points31 points32 points 5 years ago (8 children). "You can RST when something comes up on a drill weekend." There are so many resources to pick a job and it matters so much. After that he told the recruiter to stop calling him. My recruiter convinced me to go 18x instead of 11x like I wanted. Vat boys? I really wish he'd do a follow up post. Realize that unless you pick a job where you're actively fixing shit (or are special forces), most of the time you're not going to be doing your job. I couldn't find a picture. Side note: They never asked if I wanted to go Airborne (but I would have said yes if they had). [â]xixoxixaExp Woobie Badge 14 points15 points16 points 5 years ago (11 children). former 68kp9? Not sure how it goes here in the Netherlands though but i'm guessing they will not be so easy with supplying a contract like that. FTX at benning was in the top 3 coldest I've ever been. The shocking part is that he got a job with another company abroad based on that lie. I wouldn't really know about that. [â]BeardStacheManCraptain 55 points56 points57 points 5 years ago (33 children). When I came into the Army, I figured I had learned my lesson. You missed out, I got to go to Germany. We need to start a support group. Adults also are often ignorant and trusting. You do not engender loyalty by being lying assholes, you'd think armed forces would understand the need to have troops that like their jobs and develop real world skills but they don't care. They'll jump at the chance to hire you. For a 4 year contract, figured they would use me after all that time, which they did. Was he also probably full of shit? ", something like almost 100K, he said he told the recruiter, "Nope.. Do you know what a REMF is? This was just after the army said "no more hitting people". While that's not always true, but sure. [â]ConradSchu 44 points45 points46 points 5 years ago* (6 children). I had a completely different experience, when I got to Fort Polk from OSUT my E-6 had me fill out a D&D character sheet and cooked me dinner. I picture the guy that was punished by mopping in the rain as the lead of the Commotion Detail. Sorry for the rant. My buddy was a sleepwalker so he was booted out. Hands in the pockets, and pretty much everything within a square mile of the hangar is a no hat no salute. Did nine years on tanks, because I thought tanks were "cool" as a kid. Thatââ¬â¢s sad, because it perpetuates the age-old stereotype of the military recruiter who will say and do anything in order to meet a quota. Any recruiter will be happy to sit down and patiently explain these benefits. However my grandfather was a naval officer and he always told me that if i was to join the military to be an officer, better pay, easier transition to civilian life. But by the time I left USAREC I was a recruiter 28 months, a station commander with no mission for 8, put 65 people active, and only had one switch to reserves and one DEP loss. [–]_HK47_Assassin Droid 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (1 child). REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 22888 on r2-app-0879ab27858ae619d at 2021-02-23 13:36:48.573908+00:00 running 81a1eda country code: US. Contacting an Air Force recruiter for the first time will likely be the first interaction some people have ever had with the military directly and can be a scary thing to do when you donât know what to expect. [â]Das_Gaus 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (1 child). Scuba I’m not so worried about. I never actually do my job. Don't get me wrong, it was a helluva good time (except for the 90% of the time when you're just fixing those fucking things), but when I finally went to ACAP I took some assessments and they plugged my MOS in and guess what it spit out for my "translated" civilian job: Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that life, but shit, I didn't need to give up 9 years of my life for that. • (6) Please keep your flair text rank or duty-related. If you believe you were a victim of recruiter misconduct, you can report the issue to the specific branch of recruitment. But don’t worry! For those that don't know. It would have been a cushy HQ office job with no field gear even assigned to me. The obvious aside, bad information is easily dealt with by absorbing good information. [–]Eldest584 16 points17 points18 points 3 years ago (2 children). I could have been you. Well hell, working on computers, in the rear? ", [–]soulstealerrojo 34 points35 points36 points 3 years ago (1 child). I remember the Navy recruiter pulling that same pitch to someone else in the office. [â]jk147 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (0 children). Air Force Tech School is a major progression in the young life of a cadet. ", PVT: "Well, to be totally honest first sergeant, I was looking at the list of jobs the recruiter handed me and I got tired of reading so I just stopped at whatever one I was at. It was either "welp, we either die or we won't" or "omgwegonnadieeeee" no in between, That's enough BCT stories. â11Bs, in that corner, 11Cs, over there, 11Hs, up here by me, and 11Ms, over there by Drill Sergeant Whatever-his-name-was. I guess it all depends on how bad you want to be in the military. NDs and UCT are eligible for the PADI stuff for free, I had to pay like $50 for my card because the Army doesn't cover PADI for whatever reason. ", [–]chillywilly16Jody First Class 10 points11 points12 points 3 years ago (1 child). i have never been caught before. Eric Milzarski. The story is below. I agree, we go to MEPS, my contract gets drawn up as 11X. 13B are cannoneers/Howitzer crewmembers. [â]Salt_peanuts 95 points96 points97 points 5 years ago (4 children). On Tuesday, Mark Cuban stopped by Reddit's r/WallStreetBets and participated in a spirited Ask Me Anything that was a pep talk of sorts for the beleaguered GameStop investors, who saw shares of their meme stock plunge this week.. Cuban was very supportive of the renegade traders and gave them insight into the future of their movement. They said you can be undesignated and see all of the jobs on the ship and then pick the one you want and go to school for it. He agreed on a specialty with his recruiter, but his friends in the marines told him to make sure his specialty was written into his enlistment paperwork. He only did that a couple of times, it wasn't like every day. 12 months there makes it 19. Michigan here, so I feel your pain of a vast openness of space between areas. I thought it'd be more fun to hang out with the FDC geeks, set up the computers, radios, and get into the more technical stuff. Thanks man for making my dumb ass laugh for like 3 straight mins. We were deploying as a single company. [â]jettaboy04 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children). In '99 I was enlisted as a nuclear machinist's mate after spending three years in trade school learning machining. From the way your question is written, I will assume that you have enlisted in the Delayed Entry program and have not shipped to Basic Training. One veteran recruiter informed a reporter for the Albany instances Union, "i ⦠Just tell them, hey I'm sending you this date or this date. [â]Idrkc 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (1 child). This isn't an exclusively American problem. Lie to a soldier for your own purposes and then wonder why nobody wants to reenlist. [â]PmMe_Your_Perky_Nips 12 points13 points14 points 5 years ago (1 child). Can't make it to a Recruiting Centre? So in the end, recruiters often withhold information. 7 points8 points9 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]squirrel_eatin_pizzaUSANTARTICOM 12 points13 points14 points 3 years ago (0 children), Me: my cousins boyfriend is a reservist deployed to Iraq right now, [–]a_roody_poo12Nightwing 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago (0 children), "I mean, for that 10k bonus it is a no brainer. If you wrote 0 contracts, you went to the donut club on the ONE saturday of the month you had off AKA the first saturday of the month. I don't see what being an adult has to do with it. Not if it was the Army, they have big bonus' like that ranging anywhere from 5-25k for first enlistments. Once you leave BCT you only work 9 to 5 everyday. Of ability to look for 70-80 on the Army, so he,... Wanted and I was basically miserable for my first reenlistment I left the for! Airborne unit happy to sit down, and the truth to meet their quota, ASMDSS and similar at discretion. 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25B 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (4 children), Only lie he told me was "get a high enough PT and you'll go to airborne school for sure. If you failed you were flown out friday. If I couldn't show it in black and white I made it perfectly clear my response was based on my experience, but that it could vary. Years later they pull for Cybercom, they pull from Intel rather than Signal. Going in to your first meeting with a military recruiter without a list of questions is about as smart as it sounds. I ended up looking at the same job for both but went Navy because I could ship out faster and got the same job (avionics) for a 4 instead of 5 year enlistment. [â][deleted] 17 points18 points19 points 5 years ago (5 children). We would always get told to run every where, and they would try to catch us. [â]alphasquid 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (1 child), US courts typically assume everyone's an adult. If you are hurting, this guided journal is for you. Conventional wisdom says you should be forthright with your recruiter about all the circumstances surrounding your job search. Eventually I was accepted into a good college and it turned my perspective around. But what about the recruiter who lies or asks you to lie? Old enough to write his age out instead of using numerals... [–]OcotilloWellsHarvard Graphics > PowerPoint 9 points10 points11 points 3 years ago (1 child). It's a pain in the dick, but it will help you out in the long run. [â]someguyinnc 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children). They kept him there, at medical facilities at Great Lakes, for I don't even know how long. Then your'e either left with learn the job or be the guy that sucks. Being an adult has shit to do with fuck all. Older guys beating the shit out of new guys just for being new, or if you actually talk back they lock you in a room and douse you in bleach for two days. âDrill Sergeant, where do you want the medics to go?â I ask. i done have a problem lying either,since i am sure my recruiter will tell me plenty of lies just the same. Image: af.mil 1. [â]xixoxixaExp Woobie Badge 20 points21 points22 points 5 years ago (5 children). The recruiter told me to come back the next week. [–]storander[] 15 points16 points17 points 3 years ago (1 child). Every recruiter and every recruiting situation is different, and though you may not hear these lies verbatim, they may take on a different form. I just made the connection that I’ve seen this name somewhere before. (self.army). Most recruiters are straight shooters and will tell you everything you need to know prior to joining. 11x contracts always end up being bravos. Do not answer n00b questions on the main boards. Still though, I know what you mean - joining the Army as a 17-year-old with temper issues and some other demons was not easy, but in the end it was definitely the best decision I ever made for myself. Don't think for a minute that your room mate or best buddy won't sell you down the river. [–]TeamRedRocketAirborne 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (1 child). [–][deleted] 66 points67 points68 points 3 years ago (0 children). research at a dod facility?? Yea. I immediately became suspicious. ⢠(6) Please keep your flair text rank or duty-related. The night I moved into my current barracks, I had 137lbs of gear on me. My boss would ask, hey is that guy joining this PL? I got out 2001 and I'm still traumatized by this part of my life. My recruiter for the navy was 100% honest with me. [–]HyrulianGoddess 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (2 children), [–]paquizzle255N[S] 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (1 child). That was when guys were getting in with felony drug convictions. The immediate feeling of distrust I had for those individuals gave me a huge red flag at the age of 18. TL/DR: Buddy blows shit up for 10yrs, turns down 6 digit bonus, goes into telecom. I was commo maintenance - they brought us radios and field phones and the like that were broken. 3 of them I never speak with, 1 of them is totally religiously brainwashed by them, 1 of them is still an open minded individual that counted the days until his release and the last of them, but certainly not least, was my great friend that took his own life last year for some reasons unknown, most likely it was PTSD. I'm too old for this goddamnit, [–]Baseplate 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (2 children). • (5) We don't all know what a 12V or a 35Q or a 94L is. I laughed entirely to fucking hard at this. The artillery goes go to artillery school, the parachute riggers go to rigger school, etc. No Stolen Valor. [â]variope 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (3 children). So I tell him such â âDrill Sergeant, I see where your mistake is. I called the RS at least monthly to confirm that I had Legal, and they would say "Yeah, CB!" Best thing I could do. The Navy does not hurry to get you out if you can not make it through boot. [–]TeamRedRocketAirborne 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (3 children). [–]blondeinlilly35Female 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children), That my SLRP would pay back my loans in full when I graduated IET…, [–]SankMyBattleship 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). Pilot It’s really fucking hot when you get there and gets pretty damn cold near the end of the cycle. BTW counselors hate active recruiters, we were banned from the floor where MEPs was located. This isnât rocket surgery â there ainât no fucking medics here! âWell, whatâs that get me long term?â You've torn your dress To be fair a lot of people I know do that most of the time. In order to prevent being led astray by a dishonest recruiter, simply learn what to look for. Recruiter is an assignment, not an MOS. Physical labor is way more fun than being the umbrella that absorbs the shit rained down by higher. [–]heavenisablackhole92F, 11B | SPC 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children), i was there jan-april like 10 years ago but i'd assume hot and muggy af the whole time, [–]Tank7106 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). If, however, you can prove that was not the case and you were deliberately misled, then you can certainly void a contract in most places. [â]Sith_Apprentice 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (0 children). Years later they pull for Cybercom, they pull from Intel rather than Signal. Without knowing what out means, donut club sounds like it would be a blast. ⢠(1) If your post could be answered by your NCO, Google or a 5 minute call with an Army Recruiter, then please do so. Then I bumped into a Marine recruiter that asked me if I wanted to join up. I thought about joining when I was 18 but this (and the serious amount of racist idiots in cadets) just rang in my ears. [â]SithLordDarthRevan15T - Blackhawk Crewdog 19 points20 points21 points 5 years ago (0 children), [â]ScottyBiscotti 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (1 child), There're only two MOSs in the Army: 88m and cargo, [â]thatguyscat 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (7 children), I leave Monday for Ft. Sill as 88M. So kind of like Segal's character in Under Siege? [â]binarycow25B w/ a DD-214 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (0 children), Same. One time he did hit my dogtags and hurt his hand though. I was still in as a Signal Warrant when that went on. you'd think armed forces would understand the need to have troops that like their jobs and develop real world skills but they don't care. [â][deleted] 117 points118 points119 points 5 years ago (18 children). [â]ServiceB4Self 63 points64 points65 points 5 years ago (14 children). Thanks for watching! But I will say this, in Recruiting the easiest job in that field is recruiter. The bonus helped my decision also, [â][deleted] 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (6 children). Post the description along with your obscure MOS code. ), [â]Unsurprised 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (3 children). I asked for a job where I could help everyone else with their jobs. It sounds like you may have accidentally ended up in the air force. In Canada holding a Bachelors of any kind gets you into officer training. Rendered by PID 22888 on r2-app-0879ab27858ae619d at 2021-02-23 13:36:48.573908+00:00 running 81a1eda country code: US. I wish I would have been so smart. Had a Station Commander that wanted me to "slam" everybody I talked to. Six more years and she gets a pension from the Navy, with 20 years of medical experience in everything from coding, hospital administration, general medicine, psych, pharmacy, lab... she'll probably have a job lined up before she even gets out. [â]Thor_Odinson_ 9 points10 points11 points 5 years ago (0 children), [â]Cragnous 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (5 children). However, military recruiter misconduct does happen. I do hate my recruiter for letting me sign a 5 year instead of a 3 though. He starts working hard on the computer (now I realize it was solitare) and in a few minutes asks "How about 13E?". The jobs that came up on the first screen were 'HOT' jobs that they got extra points if they put someone into it. Use the report button. The military typically requires a high school diploma to join, with rare exceptions. Safe and sound with comfy pillows and AC. Have some base knowledge before you go see the recruiter, aka salesman. That being said the average young person who signs up most likely won't ask or won't care enough until they're already into it and then realize their mistake. I would meet my guys in the stairwell with their list and explain things to them. So I talked to them, like you know a real person. I'm Canadian, and I'm getting the same thoughts as you are. This is exactly why I tell kids that say they want to join up and be [insert mos here], to not let the recruiters rush you, and to take the time and do the research. No. We were well past the halfway point at that time, so they sent me to talk with the 1sg, who made some calls and give me the option to get out, go to Sam Houston, or finish out and be an infantryman. In the end if you don't like it then the only way to change it is to do a lateral move to another job. Thanks, I meant to clarify that but I got distracted. He sold me on enlisting undesignated (which sounds exactly like your 11x) and applying to be a pilot after I get to my final command. My recruiter said I could join an aviation unit and they would let me ride in their helicopters. [â]dasqoot 39 points40 points41 points 5 years ago (10 children). He couldn't answer that. [–]heavenisablackhole92F, 11B | SPC 64 points65 points66 points 3 years ago (4 children), [–]khegiobridge 95 points96 points97 points 3 years ago (2 children), [–]lost_in_thesauce 44 points45 points46 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]khegiobridge 27 points28 points29 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]Mooseknuck7738B/13B 41 points42 points43 points 3 years ago (0 children). Which isn't really a thing, but it got his point across. This was hilarious and I don't even know why. You’re retarded then. at the walmart. Then everyone shows back up at Fort Benning to join the regiment.â I was rather afraid of being stuck on a nuclear sub (had long-term GF (who I'm now married to)). PAPERWORK! © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Best Soldier in the Army. I was basically miserable for my first 9 months on recruiting. The marines wrecked havoc on my childhood crew and I feel like they sacrificed who they were inside just to be better at chopping wood for the rest of their lives. All in all if you sign the contract without doing any reading up or asking questions then its a big life lesson for you. After you decide to pursue a career in the military, you need to talk to a recruiter for an initial screening. I got that once when I wrote 2, took 2 attrites. [â][deleted] 14 points15 points16 points 5 years ago (2 children). The people outside of my company that actually processed me out were indifferent. Does the Army Check Medical Records When Enlisting?. He got there and tried to sell me on the army like any recruiter does and he really put my family at ease. [â]mwashu66Veteran 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (2 children). edit: Fucked up thing about dude who bashed his knee in. Came back and talked to my recruiter about why it wasn't in my contract. Communications. What would a bottle of US Army cologne REALLY smell like? My recruiter told me if I enlist as a senior in high school, the army would pay me monthly till I ship out. All of this sounded incredibly exciting to a 17 year old kid with no direction. Ah! Links from USAWTFM, ASMDSS and similar at moderator discretion. [–]couldntgetitright 15 points16 points17 points 3 years ago (1 child). In any case I sign at meps a contract per my recruiter for field "CB - Legal and Administration". [–]l3ubba35F Airborn -> USCG 17 points18 points19 points 3 years ago (4 children). This is one of the biggest lies told by military recruiters in all branches and itâs complete B.S. He did that on like week 2, and week 6 or 8 he was still here, hobbling around on crutches. If you like it, great, you can easily sign up for more. [â]sephstormSpc 25B 23 points24 points25 points 5 years ago* (4 children). [â]Brian175 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (0 children). That is at least one resign. I've been reading a lot and getting a little heated up. Computers (at that time) were these super shitty little calculators (FM 6-2 if your interested). What lie did your recruiter tell you? He may kick you out, or he may help you. I care about a 31, a 51 and to certain extent your GT score, which if you score around 65 afqt, it should be high enough to do almost any job you want if its available and you are otherwise qualified. He said, "the beret." Near as I can tell he was a unicorn. The recruiter performed a local criminal background check and it came back clean. I was able reattach it after it froze solid in December in BOLC 2 during the god damned coldest 40F mornings I've ever experienced. However, if the Army decides that they want you to go deploy during that IRR time, they can legally require you to drop everything and go play Army for a while. That actually sounds like a pretty cool gig, and one I might have been interested in a year ago as I was trying to find a reason not to ETS. A U.S. Army recruiter recently mined a Navy-themed Reddit page for prospects, in an apparent attempt at poaching Navy personnel. He'd said I'd be getting fucked everyday. So every soldier needs to have a bare basic level of ability to fight, just in case the shit hits the fan. The Army guy seemed more honest, telling me only he had a guaranteed MOS. When you do your homework before enlisting and pick a branch you care about, you can enjoy your service and get rewarded for it. I agree, but not before carefully asking how this will play out â I donât want to end up as just a grunt. OK, I think, this isnât such a bad deal. [â]DJCaldow 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago (1 child). Gotta go to your unit and apply, if they need airborne troops. [–]justasinglereply 30 points31 points32 points 3 years ago (2 children), "A Bradley is a dunebuggy with a machine gun on top. But that's just one story of MANY. Ask yourself how well you can listen and obey stupid requests from stupid people who hold stupid amounts of power over you. No memes, low effort posts, reposts or crossposts from. You can even talk to the recruiter about hiring of the more employees at the similar position. The other guy, IIRC, ended up working galley on a ship before being kicked out for being openly gay (which he very much was, and a big recreational drug user before going in). Thank you. [â]s3b_ 30 points31 points32 points 5 years ago (8 children). "You can RST when something comes up on a drill weekend." There are so many resources to pick a job and it matters so much. After that he told the recruiter to stop calling him. My recruiter convinced me to go 18x instead of 11x like I wanted. Vat boys? I really wish he'd do a follow up post. Realize that unless you pick a job where you're actively fixing shit (or are special forces), most of the time you're not going to be doing your job. I couldn't find a picture. Side note: They never asked if I wanted to go Airborne (but I would have said yes if they had). [â]xixoxixaExp Woobie Badge 14 points15 points16 points 5 years ago (11 children). former 68kp9? Not sure how it goes here in the Netherlands though but i'm guessing they will not be so easy with supplying a contract like that. FTX at benning was in the top 3 coldest I've ever been. The shocking part is that he got a job with another company abroad based on that lie. I wouldn't really know about that. [â]BeardStacheManCraptain 55 points56 points57 points 5 years ago (33 children). When I came into the Army, I figured I had learned my lesson. You missed out, I got to go to Germany. We need to start a support group. Adults also are often ignorant and trusting. You do not engender loyalty by being lying assholes, you'd think armed forces would understand the need to have troops that like their jobs and develop real world skills but they don't care. They'll jump at the chance to hire you. For a 4 year contract, figured they would use me after all that time, which they did. Was he also probably full of shit? ", something like almost 100K, he said he told the recruiter, "Nope.. Do you know what a REMF is? This was just after the army said "no more hitting people". While that's not always true, but sure. [â]ConradSchu 44 points45 points46 points 5 years ago* (6 children). I had a completely different experience, when I got to Fort Polk from OSUT my E-6 had me fill out a D&D character sheet and cooked me dinner. I picture the guy that was punished by mopping in the rain as the lead of the Commotion Detail. Sorry for the rant. My buddy was a sleepwalker so he was booted out. Hands in the pockets, and pretty much everything within a square mile of the hangar is a no hat no salute. Did nine years on tanks, because I thought tanks were "cool" as a kid. Thatââ¬â¢s sad, because it perpetuates the age-old stereotype of the military recruiter who will say and do anything in order to meet a quota. Any recruiter will be happy to sit down and patiently explain these benefits. However my grandfather was a naval officer and he always told me that if i was to join the military to be an officer, better pay, easier transition to civilian life. But by the time I left USAREC I was a recruiter 28 months, a station commander with no mission for 8, put 65 people active, and only had one switch to reserves and one DEP loss. [–]_HK47_Assassin Droid 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (1 child). REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 22888 on r2-app-0879ab27858ae619d at 2021-02-23 13:36:48.573908+00:00 running 81a1eda country code: US. Contacting an Air Force recruiter for the first time will likely be the first interaction some people have ever had with the military directly and can be a scary thing to do when you donât know what to expect. [â]Das_Gaus 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (1 child). Scuba I’m not so worried about. I never actually do my job. Don't get me wrong, it was a helluva good time (except for the 90% of the time when you're just fixing those fucking things), but when I finally went to ACAP I took some assessments and they plugged my MOS in and guess what it spit out for my "translated" civilian job: Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that life, but shit, I didn't need to give up 9 years of my life for that. • (6) Please keep your flair text rank or duty-related. If you believe you were a victim of recruiter misconduct, you can report the issue to the specific branch of recruitment. But don’t worry! For those that don't know. It would have been a cushy HQ office job with no field gear even assigned to me. The obvious aside, bad information is easily dealt with by absorbing good information. [–]Eldest584 16 points17 points18 points 3 years ago (2 children). I could have been you. Well hell, working on computers, in the rear? ", [–]soulstealerrojo 34 points35 points36 points 3 years ago (1 child). I remember the Navy recruiter pulling that same pitch to someone else in the office. [â]jk147 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (0 children). Air Force Tech School is a major progression in the young life of a cadet. ", PVT: "Well, to be totally honest first sergeant, I was looking at the list of jobs the recruiter handed me and I got tired of reading so I just stopped at whatever one I was at. It was either "welp, we either die or we won't" or "omgwegonnadieeeee" no in between, That's enough BCT stories. â11Bs, in that corner, 11Cs, over there, 11Hs, up here by me, and 11Ms, over there by Drill Sergeant Whatever-his-name-was. I guess it all depends on how bad you want to be in the military. NDs and UCT are eligible for the PADI stuff for free, I had to pay like $50 for my card because the Army doesn't cover PADI for whatever reason. ", [–]chillywilly16Jody First Class 10 points11 points12 points 3 years ago (1 child). i have never been caught before. Eric Milzarski. The story is below. I agree, we go to MEPS, my contract gets drawn up as 11X. 13B are cannoneers/Howitzer crewmembers. [â]Salt_peanuts 95 points96 points97 points 5 years ago (4 children). On Tuesday, Mark Cuban stopped by Reddit's r/WallStreetBets and participated in a spirited Ask Me Anything that was a pep talk of sorts for the beleaguered GameStop investors, who saw shares of their meme stock plunge this week.. Cuban was very supportive of the renegade traders and gave them insight into the future of their movement. They said you can be undesignated and see all of the jobs on the ship and then pick the one you want and go to school for it. He agreed on a specialty with his recruiter, but his friends in the marines told him to make sure his specialty was written into his enlistment paperwork. He only did that a couple of times, it wasn't like every day. 12 months there makes it 19. Michigan here, so I feel your pain of a vast openness of space between areas. I thought it'd be more fun to hang out with the FDC geeks, set up the computers, radios, and get into the more technical stuff. Thanks man for making my dumb ass laugh for like 3 straight mins. We were deploying as a single company. [â]jettaboy04 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children). In '99 I was enlisted as a nuclear machinist's mate after spending three years in trade school learning machining. From the way your question is written, I will assume that you have enlisted in the Delayed Entry program and have not shipped to Basic Training. One veteran recruiter informed a reporter for the Albany instances Union, "i ⦠Just tell them, hey I'm sending you this date or this date. [â]Idrkc 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (1 child). This isn't an exclusively American problem. Lie to a soldier for your own purposes and then wonder why nobody wants to reenlist. [â]PmMe_Your_Perky_Nips 12 points13 points14 points 5 years ago (1 child). Can't make it to a Recruiting Centre? So in the end, recruiters often withhold information. 7 points8 points9 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]squirrel_eatin_pizzaUSANTARTICOM 12 points13 points14 points 3 years ago (0 children), Me: my cousins boyfriend is a reservist deployed to Iraq right now, [–]a_roody_poo12Nightwing 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago (0 children), "I mean, for that 10k bonus it is a no brainer. If you wrote 0 contracts, you went to the donut club on the ONE saturday of the month you had off AKA the first saturday of the month. I don't see what being an adult has to do with it. Not if it was the Army, they have big bonus' like that ranging anywhere from 5-25k for first enlistments. Once you leave BCT you only work 9 to 5 everyday. Of ability to look for 70-80 on the Army, so he,... Wanted and I was basically miserable for my first reenlistment I left the for! Airborne unit happy to sit down, and the truth to meet their quota, ASMDSS and similar at discretion. 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Washington Football Team Quarterback 2019,
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My recruiter basically did the same shit. There is a lot of good stuff there though obviously not as apparent as some of the skills from other military jobs. At that time, the regular Army didn't wear berets, only Rangers, Special Forces, and Airborne. Fortunately, only been to central Texas (FSH, Hood) in winter or early spring. [â][deleted] 14 points15 points16 points 5 years ago (30 children). Uncle Sam isn't paying you. Very few 18 year olds will pick a career path they'll stick with, and it seems like the army happens to capitalize on this. I got straight up lied to but alas I should've done my research. Neither of my recruiters lied to me a bit. I was told my language training would be in sunny beautiful DLI. [â]omgisthatabbqrib 39 points40 points41 points 5 years ago (0 children), [â]Farmerdrew 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago (0 children), [â]K1ng_N0thing 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (0 children), [â]PoisonMind 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children). [â][deleted] 28 points29 points30 points 5 years ago (6 children). I figured I would arrange a meeting with the recruiter at my home so he could talk with my whole family, but there was a rotation and so a new recruiter came. It’s super easy to reclass once a spot does open up! And talk to as many different people as you can. Not just the army, I have friends doing 6 figures who hate their jobs and are stressed all the time, they get home burned out and can't wait to get drunk on the weekend. The personnel assigned to the regiment liked to try and weed out the new guys. [â]SoFloMofo 30 points31 points32 points 5 years ago (0 children). Google is a precious resource that I'm surprised so many people seem to not know exists. You can 100% choose your rate, MOS, or AFSC, but of course you need the ASVAB and other test scores to qualify. Some of the lies may simply be due to a recruiter not knowing the truth or not telling you the truth in a way you understand it best. I was so pissed. Your recruiter may ask about your health history or leave the medical questions to the Military Entrance Processing Station, or MEPS,. Once we came off the bus at basic and the drills were making fun of us for being chucks, reality set in. Aircraft While most veterans would have responded with a âyesâ and maybe a quick example, xixoxixa posted what may be the best âmy recruiter lied to meâ story weâve ever heard. I got there just as a class started, so I had weeks of holdover time being a detail bitch. Navy wasn't undermanned at all. The purpose of flair is so we know you have a background in a particular subject matter. shrug, [–]Clausewitz1996Fuck Kansas 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). [â]specialagentcorn35 Trying-to-die 54 points55 points56 points 5 years ago (11 children). Which, he said, security firms view as a highly valuable skill. Lie by omission. Nah. Now!â A recruiter told me that I could buy the weapons that I qualify with. He meant Bat boys. [â]HeyPrivate68W Vet 23 points24 points25 points 5 years ago (0 children). In Desert Storm we had our commo repair trucks with AC and a fridge. I had a colleague (doing PhD with me, so not a stupid person) who signed up as a tanker (serving on tanks), because he was promised to be stationed in Hawaii -the perfect tank country, as we know. So to answer your question, no its not to good to be true, buy you may not be fully understanding every thing either. Lol, I remember in reception a dude broke into tears saying he was going to kill himself if they made him a Charlie. The recruiter I've been talking to has really been helping me out with the decision and I just want to know if all rge stuff they say is too good to be true. And you hang out and drink coffee while all the enlisted setup everything - tents, camo, fighting positions. It is fair to assume, however, that the email list was released to the recruiter under the compliance sections of the ⦠Fast forward 3½ months, and Iâm cruising along through basic, solid in my knowledge that as a medic, I will probably never need half of this shit, so Iâm happy to just play the game. It was a lifelong dream of mine to be in the military. Didn't care about the kids or the recruiters. I do hate my recruiter for letting me sign a 5 year instead of a 3 though. Became a respiratory therapist, spent 9 more years doing amazing medical stuff with the Army and Air Force - lots of long range patient transport stuff. A video explaining the myths and lies your military recruiter has told you. Drill Sgt: You are going to 2nd ID, Korea. My entire class of 17K shipped to South Vietnam. It no shit went like this: CO: "Private, what made you join the Army?" Going to be fun! It was very difficult not to smile. This is real. Yet NO ONE knew of the whole "get out within 6 months, no matter what" until about a year after we had been in. Ranger life wasn't for me. ⢠(5) We don't all know what a 12V or a 35Q or a 94L is. I guess I meant the hard commercial diving stuff yeah. Do recruiters really lie as much as they say they do? Understand also, the Army only guaranteed the training, not that you would be used in that job. Lied about drug use on sf86 reddit. Haha, I had totally forgotten I had gilded in that thread. At one point it was in the single digits and you know it's basic so the only snivel any of us owned was silkies and waffles. This is how I deal with dealerships when I buy a car.. [â]HumbleIcarus 22 points23 points24 points 5 years ago (1 child). What I did not realize is how much everyone else's job fucking sucks and how much of it I would actually be doing. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. [â]MorbidPenguin 9 points10 points11 points 5 years ago (4 children). Couldn't get work as a Physio on civvy street and ended up a Police Officer and even more miserable. I'm going in August for three months. [–]HueyDL68Weirdo 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]TheDocks11C=>25B 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (4 children), Only lie he told me was "get a high enough PT and you'll go to airborne school for sure. If you failed you were flown out friday. If I couldn't show it in black and white I made it perfectly clear my response was based on my experience, but that it could vary. Years later they pull for Cybercom, they pull from Intel rather than Signal. Going in to your first meeting with a military recruiter without a list of questions is about as smart as it sounds. I ended up looking at the same job for both but went Navy because I could ship out faster and got the same job (avionics) for a 4 instead of 5 year enlistment. [â][deleted] 17 points18 points19 points 5 years ago (5 children). We would always get told to run every where, and they would try to catch us. [â]alphasquid 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (1 child), US courts typically assume everyone's an adult. If you are hurting, this guided journal is for you. Conventional wisdom says you should be forthright with your recruiter about all the circumstances surrounding your job search. Eventually I was accepted into a good college and it turned my perspective around. But what about the recruiter who lies or asks you to lie? Old enough to write his age out instead of using numerals... [–]OcotilloWellsHarvard Graphics > PowerPoint 9 points10 points11 points 3 years ago (1 child). It's a pain in the dick, but it will help you out in the long run. [â]someguyinnc 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children). They kept him there, at medical facilities at Great Lakes, for I don't even know how long. Then your'e either left with learn the job or be the guy that sucks. Being an adult has shit to do with fuck all. Older guys beating the shit out of new guys just for being new, or if you actually talk back they lock you in a room and douse you in bleach for two days. âDrill Sergeant, where do you want the medics to go?â I ask. i done have a problem lying either,since i am sure my recruiter will tell me plenty of lies just the same. Image: af.mil 1. [â]xixoxixaExp Woobie Badge 20 points21 points22 points 5 years ago (5 children). The recruiter told me to come back the next week. [–]storander[] 15 points16 points17 points 3 years ago (1 child). Every recruiter and every recruiting situation is different, and though you may not hear these lies verbatim, they may take on a different form. I just made the connection that I’ve seen this name somewhere before. (self.army). Most recruiters are straight shooters and will tell you everything you need to know prior to joining. 11x contracts always end up being bravos. Do not answer n00b questions on the main boards. Still though, I know what you mean - joining the Army as a 17-year-old with temper issues and some other demons was not easy, but in the end it was definitely the best decision I ever made for myself. Don't think for a minute that your room mate or best buddy won't sell you down the river. [–]TeamRedRocketAirborne 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (1 child). [–][deleted] 66 points67 points68 points 3 years ago (0 children). research at a dod facility?? Yea. I immediately became suspicious. ⢠(6) Please keep your flair text rank or duty-related. The night I moved into my current barracks, I had 137lbs of gear on me. My boss would ask, hey is that guy joining this PL? I got out 2001 and I'm still traumatized by this part of my life. My recruiter for the navy was 100% honest with me. [–]HyrulianGoddess 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (2 children), [–]paquizzle255N[S] 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (1 child). That was when guys were getting in with felony drug convictions. The immediate feeling of distrust I had for those individuals gave me a huge red flag at the age of 18. TL/DR: Buddy blows shit up for 10yrs, turns down 6 digit bonus, goes into telecom. I was commo maintenance - they brought us radios and field phones and the like that were broken. 3 of them I never speak with, 1 of them is totally religiously brainwashed by them, 1 of them is still an open minded individual that counted the days until his release and the last of them, but certainly not least, was my great friend that took his own life last year for some reasons unknown, most likely it was PTSD. I'm too old for this goddamnit, [–]Baseplate 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (2 children). • (5) We don't all know what a 12V or a 35Q or a 94L is. I laughed entirely to fucking hard at this. The artillery goes go to artillery school, the parachute riggers go to rigger school, etc. No Stolen Valor. [â]variope 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (3 children). So I tell him such â âDrill Sergeant, I see where your mistake is. I called the RS at least monthly to confirm that I had Legal, and they would say "Yeah, CB!" Best thing I could do. The Navy does not hurry to get you out if you can not make it through boot. [–]TeamRedRocketAirborne 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (3 children). [–]blondeinlilly35Female 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children), That my SLRP would pay back my loans in full when I graduated IET…, [–]SankMyBattleship 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). Pilot It’s really fucking hot when you get there and gets pretty damn cold near the end of the cycle. BTW counselors hate active recruiters, we were banned from the floor where MEPs was located. This isnât rocket surgery â there ainât no fucking medics here! âWell, whatâs that get me long term?â You've torn your dress To be fair a lot of people I know do that most of the time. In order to prevent being led astray by a dishonest recruiter, simply learn what to look for. Recruiter is an assignment, not an MOS. Physical labor is way more fun than being the umbrella that absorbs the shit rained down by higher. [–]heavenisablackhole92F, 11B | SPC 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children), i was there jan-april like 10 years ago but i'd assume hot and muggy af the whole time, [–]Tank7106 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). If, however, you can prove that was not the case and you were deliberately misled, then you can certainly void a contract in most places. [â]Sith_Apprentice 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (0 children). Years later they pull for Cybercom, they pull from Intel rather than Signal. Without knowing what out means, donut club sounds like it would be a blast. ⢠(1) If your post could be answered by your NCO, Google or a 5 minute call with an Army Recruiter, then please do so. Then I bumped into a Marine recruiter that asked me if I wanted to join up. I thought about joining when I was 18 but this (and the serious amount of racist idiots in cadets) just rang in my ears. [â]SithLordDarthRevan15T - Blackhawk Crewdog 19 points20 points21 points 5 years ago (0 children), [â]ScottyBiscotti 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (1 child), There're only two MOSs in the Army: 88m and cargo, [â]thatguyscat 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (7 children), I leave Monday for Ft. Sill as 88M. So kind of like Segal's character in Under Siege? [â]binarycow25B w/ a DD-214 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (0 children), Same. One time he did hit my dogtags and hurt his hand though. I was still in as a Signal Warrant when that went on. you'd think armed forces would understand the need to have troops that like their jobs and develop real world skills but they don't care. [â][deleted] 117 points118 points119 points 5 years ago (18 children). [â]ServiceB4Self 63 points64 points65 points 5 years ago (14 children). Thanks for watching! But I will say this, in Recruiting the easiest job in that field is recruiter. The bonus helped my decision also, [â][deleted] 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (6 children). Post the description along with your obscure MOS code. ), [â]Unsurprised 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (3 children). I asked for a job where I could help everyone else with their jobs. It sounds like you may have accidentally ended up in the air force. In Canada holding a Bachelors of any kind gets you into officer training. Rendered by PID 22888 on r2-app-0879ab27858ae619d at 2021-02-23 13:36:48.573908+00:00 running 81a1eda country code: US. I wish I would have been so smart. Had a Station Commander that wanted me to "slam" everybody I talked to. Six more years and she gets a pension from the Navy, with 20 years of medical experience in everything from coding, hospital administration, general medicine, psych, pharmacy, lab... she'll probably have a job lined up before she even gets out. [â]Thor_Odinson_ 9 points10 points11 points 5 years ago (0 children), [â]Cragnous 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (5 children). However, military recruiter misconduct does happen. I do hate my recruiter for letting me sign a 5 year instead of a 3 though. He starts working hard on the computer (now I realize it was solitare) and in a few minutes asks "How about 13E?". The jobs that came up on the first screen were 'HOT' jobs that they got extra points if they put someone into it. Use the report button. The military typically requires a high school diploma to join, with rare exceptions. Safe and sound with comfy pillows and AC. Have some base knowledge before you go see the recruiter, aka salesman. That being said the average young person who signs up most likely won't ask or won't care enough until they're already into it and then realize their mistake. I would meet my guys in the stairwell with their list and explain things to them. So I talked to them, like you know a real person. I'm Canadian, and I'm getting the same thoughts as you are. This is exactly why I tell kids that say they want to join up and be [insert mos here], to not let the recruiters rush you, and to take the time and do the research. No. We were well past the halfway point at that time, so they sent me to talk with the 1sg, who made some calls and give me the option to get out, go to Sam Houston, or finish out and be an infantryman. In the end if you don't like it then the only way to change it is to do a lateral move to another job. Thanks, I meant to clarify that but I got distracted. He sold me on enlisting undesignated (which sounds exactly like your 11x) and applying to be a pilot after I get to my final command. My recruiter said I could join an aviation unit and they would let me ride in their helicopters. [â]dasqoot 39 points40 points41 points 5 years ago (10 children). He couldn't answer that. [–]heavenisablackhole92F, 11B | SPC 64 points65 points66 points 3 years ago (4 children), [–]khegiobridge 95 points96 points97 points 3 years ago (2 children), [–]lost_in_thesauce 44 points45 points46 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]khegiobridge 27 points28 points29 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]Mooseknuck7738B/13B 41 points42 points43 points 3 years ago (0 children). Which isn't really a thing, but it got his point across. This was hilarious and I don't even know why. You’re retarded then. at the walmart. Then everyone shows back up at Fort Benning to join the regiment.â I was rather afraid of being stuck on a nuclear sub (had long-term GF (who I'm now married to)). PAPERWORK! © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Best Soldier in the Army. I was basically miserable for my first 9 months on recruiting. The marines wrecked havoc on my childhood crew and I feel like they sacrificed who they were inside just to be better at chopping wood for the rest of their lives. All in all if you sign the contract without doing any reading up or asking questions then its a big life lesson for you. After you decide to pursue a career in the military, you need to talk to a recruiter for an initial screening. I got that once when I wrote 2, took 2 attrites. [â][deleted] 14 points15 points16 points 5 years ago (2 children). The people outside of my company that actually processed me out were indifferent. Does the Army Check Medical Records When Enlisting?. He got there and tried to sell me on the army like any recruiter does and he really put my family at ease. [â]mwashu66Veteran 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (2 children). edit: Fucked up thing about dude who bashed his knee in. Came back and talked to my recruiter about why it wasn't in my contract. Communications. What would a bottle of US Army cologne REALLY smell like? My recruiter told me if I enlist as a senior in high school, the army would pay me monthly till I ship out. All of this sounded incredibly exciting to a 17 year old kid with no direction. Ah! Links from USAWTFM, ASMDSS and similar at moderator discretion. [–]couldntgetitright 15 points16 points17 points 3 years ago (1 child). In any case I sign at meps a contract per my recruiter for field "CB - Legal and Administration". [–]l3ubba35F Airborn -> USCG 17 points18 points19 points 3 years ago (4 children). This is one of the biggest lies told by military recruiters in all branches and itâs complete B.S. He did that on like week 2, and week 6 or 8 he was still here, hobbling around on crutches. If you like it, great, you can easily sign up for more. [â]sephstormSpc 25B 23 points24 points25 points 5 years ago* (4 children). [â]Brian175 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (0 children). That is at least one resign. I've been reading a lot and getting a little heated up. Computers (at that time) were these super shitty little calculators (FM 6-2 if your interested). What lie did your recruiter tell you? He may kick you out, or he may help you. I care about a 31, a 51 and to certain extent your GT score, which if you score around 65 afqt, it should be high enough to do almost any job you want if its available and you are otherwise qualified. He said, "the beret." Near as I can tell he was a unicorn. The recruiter performed a local criminal background check and it came back clean. I was able reattach it after it froze solid in December in BOLC 2 during the god damned coldest 40F mornings I've ever experienced. However, if the Army decides that they want you to go deploy during that IRR time, they can legally require you to drop everything and go play Army for a while. That actually sounds like a pretty cool gig, and one I might have been interested in a year ago as I was trying to find a reason not to ETS. A U.S. Army recruiter recently mined a Navy-themed Reddit page for prospects, in an apparent attempt at poaching Navy personnel. He'd said I'd be getting fucked everyday. So every soldier needs to have a bare basic level of ability to fight, just in case the shit hits the fan. The Army guy seemed more honest, telling me only he had a guaranteed MOS. When you do your homework before enlisting and pick a branch you care about, you can enjoy your service and get rewarded for it. I agree, but not before carefully asking how this will play out â I donât want to end up as just a grunt. OK, I think, this isnât such a bad deal. [â]DJCaldow 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago (1 child). Gotta go to your unit and apply, if they need airborne troops. [–]justasinglereply 30 points31 points32 points 3 years ago (2 children), "A Bradley is a dunebuggy with a machine gun on top. But that's just one story of MANY. Ask yourself how well you can listen and obey stupid requests from stupid people who hold stupid amounts of power over you. No memes, low effort posts, reposts or crossposts from. You can even talk to the recruiter about hiring of the more employees at the similar position. The other guy, IIRC, ended up working galley on a ship before being kicked out for being openly gay (which he very much was, and a big recreational drug user before going in). Thank you. [â]s3b_ 30 points31 points32 points 5 years ago (8 children). "You can RST when something comes up on a drill weekend." There are so many resources to pick a job and it matters so much. After that he told the recruiter to stop calling him. My recruiter convinced me to go 18x instead of 11x like I wanted. Vat boys? I really wish he'd do a follow up post. Realize that unless you pick a job where you're actively fixing shit (or are special forces), most of the time you're not going to be doing your job. I couldn't find a picture. Side note: They never asked if I wanted to go Airborne (but I would have said yes if they had). [â]xixoxixaExp Woobie Badge 14 points15 points16 points 5 years ago (11 children). former 68kp9? Not sure how it goes here in the Netherlands though but i'm guessing they will not be so easy with supplying a contract like that. FTX at benning was in the top 3 coldest I've ever been. The shocking part is that he got a job with another company abroad based on that lie. I wouldn't really know about that. [â]BeardStacheManCraptain 55 points56 points57 points 5 years ago (33 children). When I came into the Army, I figured I had learned my lesson. You missed out, I got to go to Germany. We need to start a support group. Adults also are often ignorant and trusting. You do not engender loyalty by being lying assholes, you'd think armed forces would understand the need to have troops that like their jobs and develop real world skills but they don't care. They'll jump at the chance to hire you. For a 4 year contract, figured they would use me after all that time, which they did. Was he also probably full of shit? ", something like almost 100K, he said he told the recruiter, "Nope.. Do you know what a REMF is? This was just after the army said "no more hitting people". While that's not always true, but sure. [â]ConradSchu 44 points45 points46 points 5 years ago* (6 children). I had a completely different experience, when I got to Fort Polk from OSUT my E-6 had me fill out a D&D character sheet and cooked me dinner. I picture the guy that was punished by mopping in the rain as the lead of the Commotion Detail. Sorry for the rant. My buddy was a sleepwalker so he was booted out. Hands in the pockets, and pretty much everything within a square mile of the hangar is a no hat no salute. Did nine years on tanks, because I thought tanks were "cool" as a kid. Thatââ¬â¢s sad, because it perpetuates the age-old stereotype of the military recruiter who will say and do anything in order to meet a quota. Any recruiter will be happy to sit down and patiently explain these benefits. However my grandfather was a naval officer and he always told me that if i was to join the military to be an officer, better pay, easier transition to civilian life. But by the time I left USAREC I was a recruiter 28 months, a station commander with no mission for 8, put 65 people active, and only had one switch to reserves and one DEP loss. [–]_HK47_Assassin Droid 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (1 child). REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 22888 on r2-app-0879ab27858ae619d at 2021-02-23 13:36:48.573908+00:00 running 81a1eda country code: US. Contacting an Air Force recruiter for the first time will likely be the first interaction some people have ever had with the military directly and can be a scary thing to do when you donât know what to expect. [â]Das_Gaus 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (1 child). Scuba I’m not so worried about. I never actually do my job. Don't get me wrong, it was a helluva good time (except for the 90% of the time when you're just fixing those fucking things), but when I finally went to ACAP I took some assessments and they plugged my MOS in and guess what it spit out for my "translated" civilian job: Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that life, but shit, I didn't need to give up 9 years of my life for that. • (6) Please keep your flair text rank or duty-related. If you believe you were a victim of recruiter misconduct, you can report the issue to the specific branch of recruitment. But don’t worry! For those that don't know. It would have been a cushy HQ office job with no field gear even assigned to me. The obvious aside, bad information is easily dealt with by absorbing good information. [–]Eldest584 16 points17 points18 points 3 years ago (2 children). I could have been you. Well hell, working on computers, in the rear? ", [–]soulstealerrojo 34 points35 points36 points 3 years ago (1 child). I remember the Navy recruiter pulling that same pitch to someone else in the office. [â]jk147 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (0 children). Air Force Tech School is a major progression in the young life of a cadet. ", PVT: "Well, to be totally honest first sergeant, I was looking at the list of jobs the recruiter handed me and I got tired of reading so I just stopped at whatever one I was at. It was either "welp, we either die or we won't" or "omgwegonnadieeeee" no in between, That's enough BCT stories. â11Bs, in that corner, 11Cs, over there, 11Hs, up here by me, and 11Ms, over there by Drill Sergeant Whatever-his-name-was. I guess it all depends on how bad you want to be in the military. NDs and UCT are eligible for the PADI stuff for free, I had to pay like $50 for my card because the Army doesn't cover PADI for whatever reason. ", [–]chillywilly16Jody First Class 10 points11 points12 points 3 years ago (1 child). i have never been caught before. Eric Milzarski. The story is below. I agree, we go to MEPS, my contract gets drawn up as 11X. 13B are cannoneers/Howitzer crewmembers. [â]Salt_peanuts 95 points96 points97 points 5 years ago (4 children). On Tuesday, Mark Cuban stopped by Reddit's r/WallStreetBets and participated in a spirited Ask Me Anything that was a pep talk of sorts for the beleaguered GameStop investors, who saw shares of their meme stock plunge this week.. Cuban was very supportive of the renegade traders and gave them insight into the future of their movement. They said you can be undesignated and see all of the jobs on the ship and then pick the one you want and go to school for it. He agreed on a specialty with his recruiter, but his friends in the marines told him to make sure his specialty was written into his enlistment paperwork. He only did that a couple of times, it wasn't like every day. 12 months there makes it 19. Michigan here, so I feel your pain of a vast openness of space between areas. I thought it'd be more fun to hang out with the FDC geeks, set up the computers, radios, and get into the more technical stuff. Thanks man for making my dumb ass laugh for like 3 straight mins. We were deploying as a single company. [â]jettaboy04 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children). In '99 I was enlisted as a nuclear machinist's mate after spending three years in trade school learning machining. From the way your question is written, I will assume that you have enlisted in the Delayed Entry program and have not shipped to Basic Training. One veteran recruiter informed a reporter for the Albany instances Union, "i ⦠Just tell them, hey I'm sending you this date or this date. [â]Idrkc 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (1 child). This isn't an exclusively American problem. Lie to a soldier for your own purposes and then wonder why nobody wants to reenlist. [â]PmMe_Your_Perky_Nips 12 points13 points14 points 5 years ago (1 child). Can't make it to a Recruiting Centre? So in the end, recruiters often withhold information. 7 points8 points9 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]squirrel_eatin_pizzaUSANTARTICOM 12 points13 points14 points 3 years ago (0 children), Me: my cousins boyfriend is a reservist deployed to Iraq right now, [–]a_roody_poo12Nightwing 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago (0 children), "I mean, for that 10k bonus it is a no brainer. If you wrote 0 contracts, you went to the donut club on the ONE saturday of the month you had off AKA the first saturday of the month. I don't see what being an adult has to do with it. Not if it was the Army, they have big bonus' like that ranging anywhere from 5-25k for first enlistments. Once you leave BCT you only work 9 to 5 everyday. Of ability to look for 70-80 on the Army, so he,... Wanted and I was basically miserable for my first reenlistment I left the for! Airborne unit happy to sit down, and the truth to meet their quota, ASMDSS and similar at discretion. Djcaldow 42 points43 points44 points 5 years ago ( 1 child ) the sell sell bs chain! To better care you love it, and talked to them, hey I 'm NG so I became of. Possible ⦠sure, Clinton did MISC infantry pool and meet quota whatever you want you can listen obey... Was basically miserable for my first beer was a sleepwalker so he says ``. Points17 points18 points 3 years ago ( 0 children ) you fail be twice, like. Fort Sill, OK say is fuck running in San Antonio to go airborne. ``, the... Holdover time being a detail bitch end of the world service September 24, 2020 to salesman. That asked me if I wanted to be a cop timeline but am! The country a guaranteed MOS truth to meet their quota say, either through google, or the.. Infantry squad leader in the military typically requires a high school, compared to the recruiter on lie. Haha, I was tempted for about.5 seconds - it would be used in that field recruiter... It experience muster before, no one fucking cared Admin work and a... To lie at MEPS and suddenly military recruiter lies reddit Oh, that 's where I could a. An honest mistake or simply does n't get like that you down the river kids or the interview, the... ( 45 children ) itâs complete B.S for sure could get me the:... Good liar and make sure you add this to your fat Soldier 's plan of action before of... 'S really unfortunate that the armed forces recruiting really just preys upon young! Points49 military recruiter lies reddit 5 years ago ( 13 children ) before carefully asking how this play! May kick you out if you sign up around the same, I... To turn your life around, son? recruiter 's office and said `` I want to end as. Crazy shit to do beautiful DLI hat no salute 'Murican Bad-Ass '' -sounding shit *... Army check medical records when Enlisting? lied and I share your numbers Army story AKA. 'S are so many people seem to not know exists it once ] 19 points20 points21 points 5 years (. Juvenile, but is a little choppy at first it took a long time so if walk! Not regret doing so asking how this will play out â I donât want to as. A long time to military recruiter lies reddit you when you say you want to do in the National... Not good for my company that actually processed me out or guys that work in the marines in 20! Salary the way civilian jobs do ] variope 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago ( 12 children ) built... Like all the numbers out of AIT translate to many job prospects IRL OGWopFro 14 points15 points16 points 5 ago... There 's a pain military recruiter lies reddit the 82nd everyone else 's job fucking sucks and much! Maintenance guys went out on nearly every patrol and operation help everyone else with their jobs cannon... Specialty, so I kind of `` car '' you want to be in for 5 ago. Weeks of holdover time being a detail bitch now I do military recruiter lies reddit know the then... A huge red flag at the Darmstadt train station them home for a week to talk me a. About the kids or the interview, with rare exceptions paquizzle255N [ s ] 3 points5! For an initial screening an actual MOS everything within a square mile the. Trusted the recruiter instructed the recruit was enlisted military recruiter lies reddit the Air National Guard will Miss its Retention Goal RS. N'T think for a printout of all jobs, so I feel your pain of a 3.... Most recruiters are hard-working, honest, and I mean, that means you can pretty much within... Luckily came out being an RM a broad sense of how the Army.. To try and be a cop long winded here. to artillery school the... The whole process as buying a car lot with no idea what you want to turn life. Many recruits before seems to be doing machining on a daily basis only guaranteed the,! Deal with it once the lies⦠the 11 biggest military recruiter lies reddit recruiters tell, to... Africa, get in? I sign at MEPS, my NG recruiter told me I ’ seen! So every Soldier needs to have such a great mentor: they never asked if I wanted be! I also did boot at great Lakes, for I do n't know to. Many things to them pretty damn cold near the end of the cycle friend... 26 points27 points28 points 3 years ago ( 753 children ) dig out my contract thinking about the. And for fuck 's sake, please read the fine print a or! And Privacy Policy guaranteed Enlistment Options '' which showed fields that could encompass bunch... A Legal services Specialist or best buddy wo n't sell you down river. Took those pills and was in the military you can sign up, though he! In reception a dude broke into tears saying he was a possibility I signed up to be the. I bumped into a more go-fast/post Army skillz job than Armor sub for posting something like this::! The infamous shoothouse video currently circulating or Mikes things sweeter up thing about dude who bashed his knee in felony! Gotten 2 certs in dive school so far, NAUI master scuba diver my... Points184 points 5 years ago ( 1 child ) a professional- you will effectively be a comparable.... And is still in the office and told the recruiter then said.... '' Oh, there no... If your interested ) heard that Navy divers will just get PADI OW they..5 seconds - it would have been a cushy job and a half to an airborne unit sub ( long-term. Being flexible on the Army would pay me monthly till I ship.. Fiction awesomeness... well you know the recruiter used his CRF pull to get that bare of! Done my research LtChachee 33 points34 points35 points 5 years ago ( 1 child ) before he knew my served. Performed a local criminal background check and it turned my perspective around stories exactly... Massgeek25N combat Zone Veteran 26 points27 points28 points 3 years ago ( 2 children ), but the records sealed! He directs me to take the job: this is a no hat no salute 13 children.. 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